I hereby agree and affirm that in exchange for the purchase of the products on the following pages, certain conditions and promises are required. They are as follows:
1. I hereby agree and affirm that I am 18 years of age or older and am not inebriated or impaired in any way. I am fully able to make a sound decision about the purchase of these products.
2. Due to the extremely hot nature of these products, I agree that they shall only be used as a food additive.
3. These products are to be used at my own risk.
4. I hereby disclaim, release and relinquish any and all claims, actions and/or lawsuits that I, or any of my dependents, heirs, or family members may have relating to any damage and/or injury that results, or alleged to have resulted, from the use, consumption, ingestion and/or contact of any bodily part or organ of or from these products.
By Clicking ‘Accept’ Below, You Agree to All Terms.